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We went to Chicago

One thing you may not know about photographers, is we like to hang out with each other. Then we post blogs about what we did while hanging out. This is most recently the case last week, as our online proofing and ordering partner, Pictage, held a conference in Chicago. Whitney and I took a lot of classes, met a lot of photographers, and Hung Out a lot.

The conference was in the suburbs, but we wanted to stay in the city. Our good friend Scott has a sweet bachelor pad in town, only a few blocks from the lake. He was kind enough to let us stay at his place. So, we lived like Chicago residents by stopping at Dunkin' Donut each morning on our way to the train station.

Traveling the city via public transportation, we choose to be simplistic and practical by making our point-and-shoot, as well as our camera phones, the choices for our image capturing. We felt a bit out of place at the conference in a sea of large SLR cameras. However, we were very pleased on our hikes around town when we were not lugging such bulky items with us.

Here are some of the images we took with our simple little camera. I have also added a few that other photographers took. Hey, why bother taking photos of the same thing 5 other photographers are, right?

Whitney on the train.

This is our friend Alison Bynum.

Alison had some great photos to show Whitney from our outing the night before.

Here is one of those photos. This is Whitney helping add some wind to "The Windy City."

This is Whitney using her super powers to fly down and rip this light pole from the ground.

Little camera, big photographers.

After the sessions closed, we walked a few blocks down the road, with a posse of photographers, to get some Chicago-style pizza. As you can tell, Whitney was deep in conversation on this walk.

Here is the crew eating the pizza. Yes, that is my big head to the left. Our friend Amber Holritz, from Chattanooga, shot this one. Notice all the cameras.

What a week!

- Peter

Hey guys!! It was SOO great meeting you! We're gonna be in touch soon on some stuff with the Portrait House...but just wanted to drop in and say hi!

Hope all is well!

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About me

  • I'm Dove Wedding Photography
  • From South East, United States
  • Whitney Carlson, Peter Carlson and their team take an artistic approach to traditional wedding photography. Our goal is to blend fine-art photography, photojournalistic images, and traditional portraits. To capture the mood you are looking for in your photographs, our team of photographers will strive to get to know you personally before and during the wedding. Working throughout the event with minimal direction and posing allows the bride and groom to relax as we document the sites and emotions of the day. As a team, we have the advantage of capturing all aspects of your wedding day, from the preparation to the farewell, in a way you will remember. View our website here.
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